
That cycling was sustainable we already knew but how sustainable is the bicycle?

Life cycle analysis

Bicycleshop takes into account the Life cycle analysis of the “vintage road bikes”
we offer. Because of this we limit the equipment production
and will only use replacement parts like; tires, brake pads and drive parts
in the maintenance phase. 

These parts mainly consist of recyclable rubber and stainless steel. 

Restoration proces

In our comprehensive restoration process we follow a number of steps
until our final product. Disassembly; cleaning, polishing, repairing, sorting,
lubricating and renewing the parts. 

During the assembly phase, our final product is carefully assembled. 
By doing this, we double the lifespan of a bicycle of 40 years.
That's what we call sustainable cycling. 

What we offer

We offer fully restored vintage road bikes for rent.
Would you like to cycle through our beautiful city of The Hague
on a piece of Dutch history? 

You can rent a bicycle from us for as little as €19.99 per day.